

How do Deaf people communicate?

Most Deaf people communicate in American Sign Language.

What is American Sign Language?

American Sign Language (ASL) is a complete, natural language that has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages, with grammar that differs from English. ASL is expressed by movements of the hands and face. It is the primary language of many Albertans who are deaf and hard of hearing, and is used by many hearing people as well.

What is an ASL Interpreter?

An American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter is someone trained to translate between spoken English and ASL. Sign language interpreters help people who are deaf or have hearing loss what is being communicated, either in a group setting or one-on-one. They can also use technology to provide interpretation from a distant location. Sign language interpreters require strong listening, research, memory, and sign language skills.

Sign Language Interpreter Job Description and Duties

A sign language interpreter is responsible for helping deaf individuals understand what is being said in a variety of situations. An interpreter must understand the subject matter of discourse so he or she can accurately translate what is being spoken into sign language. A sign language interpreter may be present to translate during an office meeting, in a courtroom, or at a political speech. Interpreters may also be used in one-on-one situations to help two parties communicate with each other. Sign language interpreters might use technology to provide services from a remote location.

Carrying out the interpreter’s main duties requires listening, sign language and communication skills. An interpreter may also have to do research if he or she is working in a situation involving highly technical information or complex information to gain an understanding of what will be interpreted. A good memory is also important since an interpreter will need to remember what has been said in order to sign it.

What is Video Remote Interpreting?

When you need to communicate with a Deaf person, video remote interpreting (VRI) is a form of sign language interpreting that allows people who are deaf to communicate with a hearing person at the same site via videoconferencing instead of live, on-site interpreting. VRI is especially useful when (1) there is a lack of available qualified interpreters, such as at rural location; and (2) when an interpreter is needed immediately and there is no available interpreter on-site.

VRI works by using video conferencing equipment at both locations. The interpreter, who is typically at a call centre, uses a headset to hear what the hearing person says. As the hearing person speaks, the interpreter signs everything said to a web camera. When the person who is Deaf replies via their web camera, the interpreter sees and voices the interpretation. The person who is Deaf and the person who is hearing can talk back and forth, just as the interpreter was in the same room.

VRI is provided on a fee for service basis, cost may vary based on whether an interpreter is needed immediately or is scheduled ahead of time.

How to book an ASL Interpreter?

Booking an interpreter through the Interpreting Services is a single-point-of-contact process. The goal is to ensure that the provision of sign language interpreters is as seamless as possible. To begin the booking process, please go to our Resources Page and under the Interpreting Services, there are three different Interpreting Services you can contact for information on interpreter availability and fees.

When booking an interpreter, the following information will enable them to expedite your request:

  • What is the nature of the assignment?
  • What is the address of the assignment?
  • What is the date and time that you require the service?
  • What is the length of the appointment?
  • What is the name of the Deaf person or persons?
  • What is the name of the non-deaf person or persons?
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